Dakimakura's Pillow Personas

These are the characters of Dakimakura the Travelling Pillow. Anyone with a similar name is not a character of mine and unassociated with me.

The Pillow Girls

 Dakimakura - Notable Gears: Rainbow, Star Goggle, Archangel Wings
Wanting: Spare Card

Fuwa Fuwa Dakimakura - Notable Gears: Storm Cloud, Sunglasses, Angry Snarl
Wanting: Stone of Sage

Ero Dakimakura - Notable Gears: Rain Cloud, Mr. Smile
Wanting: Blush, Long Tongue

FuwaFuwaDakimakura -

Yume No Dakimakura - Apple of Archer

YumeNoDakimakura -

The Pillow Boy Versions

Bishonen Dakimakura - Polar Bear Hat or Ph. D, Geek Glasses
Wanting: Cake Hat, Blue Tongue Charm

BishonenDakimakura - Beret

EroDakimakura - 

Classic Loki Girls


The White Queen

Doll Grown Up 

Classic Loki Boys

Wanting: Red Deviruchi Hat, Geek Glasses or Diver Goggles, Angry Snarl

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to find which pillow suits you. However once you have at least one, the experience won't be like any other. :) It's been a week since I had mine. and I have no regrets at all. I got mine from http://www.animedakimakurapillow.com/ no hastle.
